We are committed to Quality

We maintain a strict Quality Policy

We produce balloons promoting joy and eco-friendly fun

In the first place Globos Festival aims to provide products and services to satisfy the needs of our clients and surpass their expectations. Our quality policy is defined within very specific guidelines which are agreed by all the Globos Festival team. Let us show you.

The highest quality

We manufacture products with the highest quality according to the needs and expectations of our clients, maintaining at the same time an environmentally friendly attitude.

Preventive actions

We establish actions and programs oriented to prevent non-conformities or complaints from our clients, as well as environmental incidents / accidents.

Involvement and Improvement

We involve all the employees from Globos Festival S.A., to support and apply this policy by setting measurable targets and goals in order to fulfil the principle of continuous improvement.

Compliance with the legislation

We work in strict compliance with the current legislation at a local, national and international level. We also adopt voluntary agreements signed with our clients and respect the requirements provided by them.

Goals and targets

We adopt measurable goals and targets to fulfil the principle of continuous improvement. We establish a comfortable working environment to involve all our employees and promote their education, awareness and motivation.

Client satisfaction

We validate the specifications provided by our clients according to their needs and expectations. Our goal is to ensure their full satisfaction and promote the development and growth of our assortments according to the evolution of the market.

Always looking further

For us the acknowledgment of this policy by our employees and stakeholders is a must, and we undertake permanent and regular reviews of it.

Management improvement

We work for the rapid detection of defects to take the necessary measures to minimize their consequences and prevent them from happening again. We have specific actions and programs intended to prevent non-conformities and thus achieving a continuous improvement of the management system implemented according to the ISO 9001:2015 standard.

Download here our PDF Quality Policy

We are members of PEBA (Pro Environment Balloon Alliance)

Be the change

Along with PEBA we defend the promotion of positive changes with regards to the use and disposal of balloons. Likewise, we are committed to self-regulation, proactively promoting positive change and respecting the environment inside the industry.

We are professionals of the Balloon industry and we are committed to safety and the protection of the environment. We do not approve nor support balloon releases.

Our certificates

Quality and Management

Globos Festival holds the ISO 9001 Quality Certificate and we take part in the Spanish Association of Toy Manufacturers (AEFJ).

Our balloons are periodically tested by SGS laboratories and we fulfil the strictest regulations at European level.

Our certificates allow us to fulfil the requirements and orders from our clients in an efficient and safe way, generating more and more trust among clients and suppliers.


Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)

En GLOBOS FESTIVAL S.A. estamos desarrollando un proyecto de investigación que de forma básica consiste en “NUEVOS PROCESOS ADAPTADOS A DISTINTAS FUNCIONALIDADES EN LA FABRICACIÓN DE GLOBOS”. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo principal conseguir diferentes tipos de látex prevulcanizado en función de las características particulares de cada tipo de producto final. El proyecto se encuentra en desarrollo y se prevé su finalización en 2023, su ejecución supondrá una inversión aproximadamente de 237.000 de euros, se ha desarrollado con ayuda del Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI) del Ministerio de Industria, Economía y Competitividad, y cofinanciada por la Unión Europea (Fondos FEDER) a través del Programa Operativo Plurirregional de España (2014-2020).